Philip Levine
Philip Levine
the first il primo of identical twins of Jewish immigrant parents di gemelli identici di immigranti genitori ebrei
started to work iniziò a lavorare in car manufacturing plants at the age of 14 all’età di 14 per impianti di produzione, eh
stupid jobs lavori stupidi (cit.)
e he earned a mail-order masters degree with a thesis on John Keats’ “Ode to Indolence,” and married actress Frances J. Artley, insomma
In 1958, he joined the English department at California State University, Fresno, where he taught until his retirement in 1992, si ritirò dopo trentaquattro anni di insegnamento dall’università di San Francisco e
He died , morì, of pancreatic cancer on February 14, 2015, age 87
The familial, social, and economic world of twentieth-century Detroit is one of the major subjects of Levine’s life work, familiare, sociale, economico, mondo, la Detroit del duemila, soggetto, principale
a profound skepticism with regard to conventional American ideals , scetticismo profondo del convenzionale americano ideale
On the Edge (1963)
Not This Pig (1968)
The music of Levine’s poetry depends on tension between his line-breaks and his syntax.
La musica della poesia di Levine dipende dalla tensione tra la sua linea rotta e la sua sintassi.
Near the end of his life, appena prima di morire, Levine, an avid jazz aficionado, collaborated , collaborò with jazz saxophonist and composer Benjamin Boone
News of the World (2009) – leggiamo Alba da ” Notizie del mondo” , Mondadori 2015, tradotto da G. Stazzeri, subito dopo la sua morte.
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